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Equity and Disparities in Rhode Island


Equity & Disparities

Rhode Island addresses health disparities by establishing a minority health promotion program,1 convening the “commission for health care advocacy and equity,”2 and establishing the “women’s cardiovascular screening and risk reduction pilot program.”3

Rhode Island addresses language barriers by requiring hospitals to provide interpreter services to non-English speaking patients4 and requiring the health insurance commissioner to consider language barriers when establishing payment rates for patient-centered medical homes.5



  • 1. Gen.Laws 1956, § 23-64-2.
  • 2. Gen.Laws 1956, § 23-64.1-4; Gen.Laws 1956, § 23-64.1-5; Gen.Laws 1956, § 23-64.1-6; Gen.Laws 1956, § 23-64.1-7.
  • 3. Gen.Laws 1956, § 23-86-1.
  • 4. Gen.Laws 1956, § 23-17-54.
  • 5. Gen.Laws 1956, § 42-14.6-4.


Equity and Disparities in Rhode Island

Subtopic Statute/Regulation Description
Equity and Disparities Disparities impact and evaluation report - R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 23-64.1-6 The commission for health advocacy and equity must “prepare a disparities impact and evaluation report” that evaluates the impact of...
Medical Records - CRIR 14-090-007, § 27.12 Medical Records  A medical record must be created and maintained for every person treated on an inpatient, outpatient (ambulatory) or...
Power and duties - R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 23-64.1-5 The “commission for health care advocacy and equity” has the authority to: (1) review proposed legislation and regulations that would...
Promotion of the patient-centered medical home - R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 42-14.6-4 A “patient-centered medical home collaborative” must convene for the purpose of providing the health insurance commissioner and secretary...
Purpose - R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 23-64.1-4 The “commission for health care advocacy and equity” must: (1) “advocate for the integration of all relevant activities of the...
Purpose and findings - R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 23-64-2 The Rhode Island General Assembly finds that minority residents of Rhode Island “face excess rates of preventable disease as compared to other...
R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 23-17-54 Pursuant to Rhode Island’s licensure requirements, hospitals must provide interpreter services to non-English speaking patients that lack a...
Race, ethnicity, social determinants of health and language data collection coordination - R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 23-64.1-7 The commission for health care advocacy and equity must create “recommendations for data collection, analysis and dissemination activities by...
Women's cardiovascular screening and risk reduction pilot program - R.I. Gen. Laws Ann. § 23-86-1 The department of health must “develop a cardiovascular disease screening and lifestyle intervention pilot program…for low-income,...