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Public Health Data Collection and Reporting in New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Division of Vital Records Administration must collect vital records information.1 The information is confidential and may be disclosed for health-related research or to the public with individually-identifiable information removed.2 The Department of Health and Human Services’ Bureau of Health Statistics and Data Management is the state’s health statistic center and is authorized to access vital records data.3 The department must establish an independent board to review requests for vital records information to conduct health-related research.4

Health care professionals must report the following information to the Department of Health and Human Services:

  • Chronic health conditions relating to children;5
  • Newborn screening, birth defects, and autism;6
  • Brain and spinal cord injuries;7
  • Lead poisoning and Reye’s syndrome;8
  • Cancer;9
  • Infectious diseases;10 and
  • Immunizations.11



  • 1. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §5-C:2
  • 2. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §§5-C:3; 5-C:9; 5-C:108; 5-C:110
  • 3. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §§126:24-b; 126:24-c; 151:13
  • 4. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §§126:24-d; 126:24-e; 126:24-I; 126:28
  • 5. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §126-J:4
  • 6. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §§132:6; 132:10-a; 141-J:1; 141-J:2; 141-J:3; 141-J:4; 141-J:5; 141-J:6; 141-J:7; 141-J:8; 141-J:10; 141-J:11; 171-A:30
  • 7. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §§137-K:2; 137-K:4; 137-K:5; 137-K:6; 137-K:7; 137-K:8
  • 8. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §§140:5; 141-A:2; 141-A:4; 141-A:5; 141-A:6; 141-A:7
  • 9. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §§141-B:5; 141-B:7; 141-B:9; 141-B:10
  • 10. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §§141-C:3; 141-C:4; 141-C:7; 141-C:8; 141-C:9; 141-C:10; 328-e:6; 141-F:7; 141-F:8; 141-F:9
  • 11. Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-C:20-f


Public Health Data Collection and Reporting in New Hampshire

Subtopic Statute/Regulation Description
Public Health Data Collection and Reporting N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 126:25 - Data collection Each nursing home, acute care hospital, residential care facility, specialty hospital, or other licensed health care facility must file the following...
N.H. Rev. Stat. § 420-G:11 Disclosure Health carriers must disclose the following information in their marketing materials to individuals and small employers: The...
N.H. Rev. Stat. § 420-G:11-a Development of a Comprehensive Health Care Information System The Department of Insurance and Department of Health and Human Services must enter into...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P § 3008.04 “Newborn screening under the division of public health services regulations” Newborn screening is required for all infants born in New...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P § 3008.09 “Reporting of results under the division of public health services regulations” Upon receipt of a completed newborn screening report from...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P § 3008.15 “Reporting of newborn hearing screening information to EHDI under the division of public health services regulations” Within two weeks of...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P § 3008.17 “Confidentiality and security of records under the division of public health services regulations” All records maintained by the newborn...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P § 3008.18 “Quality assurance under the division of public health services regulations” Birthing facilities must allow periodic reviews of their...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P § 3012.04 “Election not to participate in the NHBCP under the division of public health services regulations” An individual or the parent or...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P § 3012.05 “Confidentiality and security of records under the division of public health services regulations” All records maintained by the New...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P § 3012.06 “Rights of individuals under the division of public health services regulations” Individuals who decide to not participate in the New...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P § 3012.07 “Program ability to share data under the division of public health services regulations” Health information maintained by the New...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P § 809.14 “Duties and responsibilities of all licensees under the division of public health services regulations” A care plan of a home health care...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §301.02 “Reportable diseases under the division of public health services regulations” Health care providers and laboratories must report a case...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §301.03 “Reporting of communicable diseases under the division of public health services regulations” Any physician, other health care provider,...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §301.15 “Procedures for record keeping under the division of public health services regulations” Every primary and secondary school and child...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §304.02 “Reporting requirements under the division of public health services regulations” All governmental or private agencies, Department of...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §304.07 “Quality assurance, verification, and confidentiality under the division of public health services regulations” The state cancer registry...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §304.08 “Procedures for disclosure of protected health information under the division of public health services regulations” The state cancer...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §307.01 “Purpose under the division of public health services regulations” The regulations’ purpose is to establish and implement a New...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §307.02 “Scope under the division of public health services regulations” The state’s immunization registry regulations apply to all...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §307.04 “Establishment of the registry under the division of public health services regulations” The commissioner of health and human services...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §307.05 “Methods of submission and content of reports under the division of public health services regulations” All health care providers must...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §307.06 “Registrant participation in and access to the registry under the division of public health services regulations” An individual may...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §307.07 “Health provider access to the registry under the division of public health services regulations” Health care providers may access data...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §307.08 “Department access to the registry under the division of public health services regulations” To ensure confidentiality, the commissioner...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §307.09 “Access to the registry by third parties under the division of public health services regulations” The commissioner of health and human...
New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules He-P §802.14 “Duties and responsibilities of all licensees under the division of public health services regulations” A hospital is responsible for...
Revised Statutes Annotated of the State of New Hampshire §132:6 “Prevention of ophthalmia in newborn under the public health law” A health care provider attending a newborn child must screen for...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §126-J:4 “Duties under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Education, and the Insurance Department...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §126:24-b “Intent under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services’ bureau of health statistics and data management...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §126:24-c “Access to information from vital records for public health purposes under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §126:24-d “Disclosure of information from vital records under the public health law” All protected health information contained in vital records...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §126:24-e “Institutional review board under the public health law” An independent board is established under the Department of Health and Human...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §126:24-i “Penalty under the public health law” Any person who improperly discloses vital records information is guilty of a class B felony....
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §126:28 “Availability of data under the public health law” Health care data reported by nursing homes, acute health hospitals, residential care...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §132:10-a “Newborn screening tests required; newborn screening advisory committee under the public health law” Every physician, hospital, nurse...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §137-K:2 “Advisory council under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services must establish a brain and spinal cord injury...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §137-K:4 “Duties under the public health law” The commissioner of health and human services must: Monitor the morbidity and mortality of brain...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §137-K:5 “Brain and spinal cord injury registry established under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services must...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §137-K:7 “Disclosure; confidentiality under the public health law” Information maintained by the brain and spinal cord injury registry is...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §137-K:8 “Maintenance of reports under the public health law” Reports provided to the brain and spinal cord injury registry and analyses and data...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §140:5 “Report under the public health law” Physicians have to report to the Department of Health and Human Services information on every...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-A:2 “Definitions under the Critical Health Problems Reporting Act” A “critical health problem” means any of the following: lead...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-A:4 “Reports under the Critical Health Problems Reporting Act” An attending physician or employee of a facility must report to the Department...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-A:5 “Form under the Critical Health Problems Reporting Act” A report relating to a critical health problem which discloses the identity of an...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-A:6 “Maintenance of reports under the Critical Health Problems Reporting Act” Critical health problem reports and data must be maintained by...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-A:7 “Penalty under the Critical Health Problems Reporting Act” A person who violates the Critical Health Problems Reporting Act is guilty of...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-B:10 “Maintenance of reports under the public health law” Reports provided to the cancer registry and analyses and data prepared by the...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-B:5 “Cancer registry established under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services must establish a cancer registry...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-B:7 “Reporting under the public health law” All health care facilities must provide a report to the cancer registry containing information...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-B:9 “Disclosures; confidentiality under the public health law” Information contained in the cancer registry that identifies individual...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-C:10 “Disclosure, confidentiality under the public health law” Any protected health information provided by the Department of Health and Human...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-C:20-f “Immunization registry under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services must establish a state immunization...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-C:3 “Duties of department under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services must identify, investigate, and test for...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-C:4 “Duties of commissioner under the public health law” The commissioner of health and human services must identify communicable diseases to...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-C:7 “Reporting of communicable disease under the public health law” A health care provider, pharmacist, laboratory, hospital, or other health...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-C:8 “List of diseases, report forms under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services may require healthcare providers...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-C:9 “Investigation; examinations under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services may investigate incidents of...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-F:7 “Reporting of test results under the public health law” If a person tests positive for HIV and is a minor or mentally incapable of...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-F:8 “Confidentiality, release of information under the public health law” All records and information pertaining to persons testing for HIV...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-F:9 “Disease control under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services has the authority to investigate reports of...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-J:1 “Birth conditions program authorized under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services must establish a statewide...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-J:10 “Penalties under the public health law” Any person who violates state laws or regulations pertaining to the birth conditions program is...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-J:11 “Advisory panel under the public health law” The Department of Health and Human Services must establish an advisory panel for the birth...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-J:3 “Program access to health information under the public health law” Health care providers, facilities, clinics, laboratories, medical...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-J:4 “Program ability to share data under the public health law” The Birth Conditions Program staff may use or disclose individually...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-J:5 “Election not to participate in the program under the public health law” An individual may elect not to participate in the Birth...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-J:6 “Rights of individual under the public health law” An individual may elect to not participate in the birth conditions program, review any...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-J:7 “Program records not public records under the public health law” Any health information acquired by the birth conditions program is...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §141-J:8 “Privacy and confidentiality protections under the public health law” Any person allowed access to individually identified health...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §151:13 “Information confidential under the hospitals and sanitaria law” Information, other than reports relating to vital statistics, received...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §171-A:30 “Autism registry under the public safety and welfare law” The Department of Health and Human Services must establish a state registry...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §328-E:6 “Public health authority and responsibility under the occupations and professions law” Doctors of naturopathic medicine must comply with...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §5-C:108 “Procedures for requesting vital records data for health-related research under the state and its government law” Vital records data and...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §5-C:110 “Public use statistical file under the state and its government law” The Department of Health and Human Services must make statistical...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §5-C:2 “Division of vital records administration established under the state and its government law” The Department of State must establish a...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §5-C:3 “Declaration of policy, purpose and scope under the state and its government law” The division of vital records administration must:...
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire §5-C:9 “Disclosure of information from vital records under the state and its government law” Vital records may only be released to individuals...