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Reporting significant changes in medication usage that may be caused by bioterrorism, epidemic or pandemic disease – Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 3701.232

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The public health council will adopt reporting rules for pharmacies and pharmacists to report significant changes in medication usage that may be caused by bioterrorism, epidemic or pandemic disease, or established or novel infectious agents or biological toxins posing a risk of human fatality or disability, including reports of the following:

  • An unexpected increase in the number of prescriptions for antibiotics;
  • An unexpected increase in the number of prescriptions for medication to treat fever or respiratory or gastrointestinal complaints;
  • An unexpected increase in sales of, or the number of requests for information on, over-the-counter medication to treat fever or respiratory or gastrointestinal complaints; and
  • Any prescription for medication used to treat a disease that is relatively uncommon and may have been caused by bioterrorism.

Reports containing protected health information will be released in accordance with applicable regulations.  Information that does not identify an individual may be released in summary, statistical, or aggregate form. 

Current as of June 2015