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N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 14 § 524.8 - Incident Reporting Procedures at Facilities Operated by Office of Mental Health

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§ 524.7 set forth the requirement that facilities operated by office of mental report all adverse incidents to the justice center and the office of mental health, and this regulation gives these facilities the detailed requirements for reporting.
Reporting to the justice center:

  • Employees of mental health providers must immediately report any reportable incident to the Justice Center's Vulnerable Persons' Central Register upon discovery of incident
  • The report should include the name, title and contact information of every person the reporting employee knows who has information concerning the incident
  • If the incident is death and the suspected cause is abuse/neglect, the reporting employee must contact the center through the 24/7 hotline and provide all available information
  • Reporting employee must notify the director of mental health provider that a report has been made
  • Reporting employee must complete an initial incident report within 24 hours of discovery of incident
  • The justice center has authority to investigate all allegations and incidents, and the provider and its employees must cooperate with the center, including provision of access to all relevant records and reports.

Reporting to the Office of Mental Health:

  • Mental health providers must immediately notify the office of any reportable incidents within 24 hours of discovery
  • The report must be in a format specified by the office and must include all relevant information known at the time
  • The office has authority to investigate all allegations and incidents, and the provider and its employees must cooperate with the center, including provision of access to all relevant records and reports

If an incident needs to be reclassified, the reclassification must be documented according to the office's guidelines.

Current as of June 2015