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N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 14 § 1072.6 - Disclosure of HIV-Related Information by Providers of Substance Abuse Services to Other Agencies

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This regulation prohibits all programs under the division of substance abuse services that maintain confidential HIV-related information from disclosing this information to the division or other agencies. The regulation states that such information may only be disclosed to other agencies in accordance with regulations under Article 27-F of Public Health Law. The regulation further states that program staff may only disclose such information to the division of substance abuse services personnel only when:

  • The person seeking information has a specific written authorization stating the need for the information
  • Such written authorization contains a statement acknowledging the confidential nature of the such information and agrees to not re-disclose the information unless otherwise authorized
  • The statement is signed by the party authorized to access the records
  • The person seeking the information has a written authorization to access the records from the director of the division

Current as of June 2015