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Florida Statutes § 408.915

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“Eligibility pilot project under the public health law”

The Agency for Health Care Administration must develop and implement a pilot project to integrate the determination of eligibility for public health care services with information and referral services. The pilot project must have the following components:

  • Make uniform, electronic eligibility determinations for the following programs: Medicaid, Medikids, Florida Healthy Kids, Florida Kidcare, and other state and local publicly funded health and social services programs;
  • Is linked to a shared database that will have the capability to sort or store information by families and individuals;
  • Permits electronic input and storage of data and verification of information;
  • Is compliant with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; and
  • Includes an initial screening component for referring applicants to health and human services programs, including programs addressing developmental delays, developmental disabilities, chronic physical illness, mental health needs, substance abuse treatment needs, elder and aging needs, and other health care needs; and
  • Have multi-language accessibility.

Current as of June 2015