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Name of Medicaid Program(s) and number of people participating

The Vermont program is known as Vermont Medicaid or GreenMountain Care.  It is administered by the Department of Vermont Health Access. Their website can be found here.  As of June 1, 2018, there were 161,366 individuals enrolled in the Vermont Medicaid program.1

Expanding Medicaid?


Health Insurance Marketplace (if applicable)/ State based, Partnership or Federally Facilitated Exchange? 

State based Marketplace: Vermont Health Connect:                     

Health Information Exchange (if applicable)

The Vermont Legislature has named Vermont Information Technology Leaders or VITL as the operator of the Vermont Health Information Exchange.

APCD (if applicable) 

Vermont has established the Vermont Healthcare Claims Uniform Reporting and Evaluation System (VHCURES). It is maintained by Vermont Green Mountain Care Board.

Featured Initiatives



  • 1. Vermont Medicaid Enrollment totals for 2018.  Available at: