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Wis. Admin. Code DHS §40-16 - Program Evaluation - Mental Health Day Treatment Services for Children

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Every program providing mental health day treatment services for children must annually evaluate its services on their effectiveness.  This law requires that such an outcome evaluation must include: a statement of the program’s outcome expectations for its clients; a process for maintaining accurate information about changes in the clients’ performance; a process for receiving the clients’ statements on their satisfaction with the program; a method for collecting and analyzing the data while maintaining confidentiality of all records.  The law requires that the program send an annual report of service outcomes to the DHS office.
In addition to the above outcome evaluation, the law requires that the program conduct an annual review of the program’s operations in order to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of client care and resource use.  The law requires that this review be conducted by an advisory committee, by a committee of program’s board of directors, or by any other objective body.

Current as of June 2015