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Florida Statutes § 641.3007

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“HIV infection and AIDS for contract purposes under the Health Maintenance Organization Act”

A health maintenance organization may not discriminate against an individual who has HIV/AIDS by excluding or limiting coverage.

A health maintenance organization must obtain a person’s written, informed consent prior to administering an HIV test.  Written informed consent must include an explanation of the test, the meaning of its results, and the right to confidential treatment of information.

A health maintenance organization must maintain strict confidentiality regarding medical test results with respect to exposure to HIV infection or a specific sickness or medical condition derived from such exposure. The insurer may not disclose information regarding specific test results outside of the insurance company, except to the person tested and to the persons designated in writing by the person tested. The insurer may not furnish specific test results for exposure to the HIV infection to an insurer industry data bank if the information may identity the individual and the specific test results.

Related laws:

Florida Statutes § 381.004

Current as of June 2015